Theoretical model of infrared spectra of hydrogen bonds in molecular crystals of 2-thiopheneacetic acid: Fermi resonance and Davdov coupling effects.
Theoretical Physics, Spectroscopy, Quantum PhysicsAbstract
A quantum theoretical approach, within the adiabatic approximation and taking into account a strong non-adiabatic correction via the resonant exchange between the fast mode excited states of the two moieties of the dimer. The intrinsic anharmonicity of the low-frequency mode through a Morse potential, direct and indirect damping, and a selection rule breaking mechanism for forbidden transitions, is applied to reproduce the υX-H IR line shape of cyclic dimers of moderately H-bonded species in the crystalline phase. The results are used to gain an insight into the experimental spectral line shapes obtained by the transmission method. This approach fits satisfactorily the experimental line shape of 2-thiopheneacetic acid and predicts their evolution with isotopic substitution. Numerical calculations show that mixing of all these effects allows one to reproduce the main features of the experimental IR line shapes.
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