The relationship between learning styles and students` chemistry achievement
chemistry achievement, learning difficulties, students, learning styleAbstract
This research aimed to determine the chemical content which is the most challenging for students, and also to study the differences in chemistry achievement among students who prefer different learning styles. The study was carried out on the sample of 265 second grade students (aged 15–16 years) from seven grammar schools in Vojvodina (Serbia). Two instruments were applied in the study to determine the learning styles: chemistry knowledge test and Learning Style Inventory (LSI version 3.1). According to the findings, students have difficulty learning the contents of the topics Chemical Equilibrium, Salt Hydrolysis and Oxidation-Reduction Reactions. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between achievements in chemistry and students’ learning styles. The findings obtained in this research represent a step towards improving chemistry education since they identified the topics that students find it the most difficult to learn.
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