QC-CE-pyramid model in the designing of the information system within a company
standardization, standard operative procedures, information system, control, quality, QC-CE-pyramid modelAbstract
The QC-CE-PYRAMID model (Quality Circle and Cause and Effect in the pyramid’s structure) represents an excellent foundation for designing an efficient information system of quality. All of the business processes can be standardized with standard operative procedures in form of flow charts. This is sublimed in the QC-CE-pyramid model. The standard operative procedure starts with planning the activity and entering data which give information on the initial state. Then, it continues with the activities of the business processes where each phase derives an output data which appears to be an input data for the following operation. In the end, the business process ends with information in form of quality report. According to the pyramid’s structure, we can achieve both vertical and horizontal connection among the employees. Thus, the provision of the quality in the company is accompanied by the information flow according to the standard operative procedures. Having this as an initial point, we have analysed the established information system in the Factory for Rail Vehicles in Veles. By making improvements on the system, we also improved its efficiency as well as effectiveness in regard to the quality of information.
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