PASS prediction, molecular docking and pharmacokinetic studies of acyl substituted bioactive galactopyranoside esters as antibacterial agents
methyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (MDG), molecular docking, antibacterial agents, pharmacokinetic, PASSAbstract
Currently, methyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (MDG) esters have become a focus of attention due to their promising biological and pharmacokinetic properties and could be a good choice in unraveling the global issue of pathogenic multidrug resistance. Structural modification of MDG can improve its mode of biological activity. In line with these efforts, a series of previously synthesized MDG esters were designed and evaluated by Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances (PASS), molecular docking simulation, and pharmacokinetic depiction. Encouraging PASS activity was observed for several aliphatic and aromatic MDG esters, and antibacterial efficacy was more promising than other features. In support, molecular docking studies were performed against the macrolide phosphotransferase enzyme MPH to identify a potential allosteric binding site for these esters. Molecular docking indicated that the shape of the MDG esters and their ability to form multiple electrostatic and hydrogen bonds with the active site corresponds to the binding modes of other minor-groove binders. Pharmacokinetic predictions were also performed to evaluate the absorption, metabolism, and toxic properties of MDG esters. These findings demonstrate that MDG esters are promising for use as biocompatible antibacterial agents in the future.
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- 2022-06-30 (2)
- 2022-05-17 (1)
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sarkar Mohammad Abe Kawsar, Mebarka Ouassaf, Samir Chtita, Aishi Barua Jui, Salah Belaidi

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