Heat integration of ethanol and yeast manufacture
process integration, heat integration, pinch technology, energy optimization, heat exchanger network (HEN)Abstract
The increasing concern for the environmental impacts of human activities has stimulated the development of new methods for analysis of industrial processes and the implementation of energy conservation measures. This paper presents a research on a case study of plant for ethanol and yeast production. The production plant as physical model is divided into subsystems. There are few limits taken for the method used, such as all streams have constant specific heats and the whole process is in steady state. Every subsystem is redesigned in order to improve its energy efficiency. After these local improvements, pinch analysis on the entire system is made (all subsystems are taken as black boxes forming the entire system) to optimize energy uses with construction of heat exchanger network. The expectations for operational costs minimization are improved, so pinch analysis results serve as energy efficiency indicator, giving us direction to invest for new equipment as development project for energy savings. The economical calculations performed for the designed system (HEN) with process integration show more profitability then the old one.
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