The comparison of different teaching approaches related to the achievements of students’ knowledge and skills
acquired knowledge, teaching approaches, simulation experiments, real experimentsAbstract
This paper presents the comparative aspects of the efficiency of three different teaching approaches on the acquisition of students’ knowledge and skills. The research was carried out with students (245 in total) of the second year of secondary schools from three different cities in Macedonia in relation to the topic pH and Indicators. In one of the groups (so-called Control group), the traditional teaching approach was used; in the second, simulation experiments were carried out (Sim group); and in the third group, real experiments were performed (Real group). After the accomplishment of the topic a test of knowledge was implemented. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the Real and Sim groups showed better results than Control groups. Some of the questions concerning the understanding of the processes on molecular level were better answered in Sim groups, however, in general, it was concluded that the real experiments approach was the most efficient.
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