The influence of some chemical and physical parameters of water samples on spectral determinations of fluorescent dyes
spectrofluorometer, fluorescence, artificial tracer, spectrum, synchronscan, uranine, rhodamine WT, sulphorhodamine G extraAbstract
The fluorescence intensity of various substances is dependent on the physical and chemical properties (e.g. pH, temperature, sorption, presence of oxidants, etc.) of the respective sample matrix (e.g. water), We have studied the influence of some of these factors on the fluorescence intensity of uranine, rhodamine WT, and sulphorhodamine, in order to enable their detection in trace levels by putting respective aquatic samples in optimal conditions. The results indicate that pH modifies the fluorescence intensity of uranine solutions much more than for the fluorescence of rhodamine WT and sulphorhodamine water solutions. This process is reversible.
Temperature also has influence on the fluorescence intensity, whereas the presence of oxidants in water samples irreversibly destroy the fluorescing molecules. All of these processes manifest diverse effects on different kinds of fluorescent dyes.
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