Visionary figures in the field of electrochemistry who revolutionized voltammetry
electrochemistry, giants in voltammetry, polarography, voltammetry, biosensorsAbstract
Understanding energetics and electron behavior has been pivotal in elucidating numerous fundamental phenomena, including electricity, corrosion, respiration, energy generation in biological systems, intermolecular interactions within living organisms, organic synthesis, drug development, enzyme functions, and the design of biosensors, among others. As 2024 records the centennial anniversary of the completion of the first polarograph by Nobel laureate Jaroslav Heyrovský (awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1959), it presents an opportune moment to pay tribute to several eminent electrochemists who have made significant contributions to the field of voltammetric techniques. Following our recent acknowledgment of the outstanding women who have made substantial contributions to voltammetry in a prior publication, this article aims to briefly highlight the major achievements of several distinguished male figures in the field (Jaroslav Heyrovský, Allen J. Bard, Christian Amatore, Richard Compton, Jean-Michel Savéant, Fraser Armstrong, Fritz Scholz, Joseph Wang, Milivoj Lovrić, Valentin Mirčeski, Alan M. Bond). Given that many of these remarkable personalities have contributed both as authors and referees for the Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, this tribute serves as a fitting acknowledgment of their remarkable accomplishments on the occasion of the journal's 50th anniversary.
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- 2024-05-19 (2)
- 2024-04-18 (1)
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