Letter from the Editor
Dear readers,All publications, especially the periodical scientific journals, are on the crossroad of the traditional publishing process and the possibilities of the new technology. The Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is no exception and is working on transferring to an e-publishing software. After considering the possible options it was decided, in the spirit of the open access policy of the journal itself, to implement an open source platform: Open Journal Systems. Due to the voluntary involvement of all members of the Editorial Board the transfer is slower than we would like it to be but initial tests have been performed and we believe we are going in the right direction.
This change has also prompted us to make some changes in the Editorial Board, the most notable being the change of the Secretary who has as important responsibilities and involvement as the editor-in-chief. We use this opportunity to express our gratitude to the members who served during the last two-year period and for all their efforts to improve the level of the journal. We welcome the new members of both the Editorial and Advisory Board and we are looking forward to their contributions to MJCCE.
The new Editorial Board will abide by the established principles of the editorial policy and will pursue the improvement of the international awareness of the journal. We are proud to announce that the first SCI impact factor of 0.200 which was obtained in 2010, last year has risen to 0.459 and we have indications that it will more than double when this issue is published. We believe that the new platform will make the whole process from submitting the articles to their publication more efficient and transparent. However, we are aware that the new e-process by itself is not the key and MJCCE can sustain and improve only by attracting quality articles of the contributors, but also by constructive and rigorous criticism of the reviewers.
Zoran Zdravkovski
How to Cite
Zdravkovski, Z. (2013). Letter from the Editor. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 31(1), i. https://doi.org/10.20450/mjcce.2012.51