Assessment of volatile organic compounds in indoor environments across North Macedonia and Kosovo using passive sampling




volatile organic compounds, indoor air, air pollution, passive sampling, GC-MS


Humans are exposed to various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact, potentially leading to adverse health consequences. In this study, the distribution of vari-ous VOCs in indoor air in North Macedonia and Kosovo was investigated for the first time. From March to December 2023, the monthly relative abundance of VOCs was monitored using Radiello® pas-sive/diffusive samplers, followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC MS) analysis.
A total of 60 samples were collected from 17 sites, where over 70 individual VOCs belonging to several classes were identified. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) compounds were the most abundant in the chemical stockroom, contributing up to 77.84 % of the total VOC relative abun-dance. In the printing store/workplace, alkylbenzenes were predominant, comprising 69.72 %. Alcohols and ethers were primarily detected in the coffee shop, whereas organosiloxanes were dominant in the hair salon, accounting for 33.87 % and 54.46 % of the total VOCs, respectively. Terpenes were a significant component in the meat factory, representing 65.78 % of the total VOCs, while hydrocarbons were most prevalent in the oil & lubricants store, accounting for 58.23%. Halogenated compounds were primarily found in the superstore, constituting 20.42 % of total VOCs. The VOC composition results indicate that their presence in indoor environments may pose both acute and chronic health risks.


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2024-12-15 — Updated on 2024-12-28


How to Cite

Mula, V., Bogdanov, J. ., Petreska Stanoeva, J., Zeneli, L., Berisha, A., & Zdravkovski, Z. (2024). Assessment of volatile organic compounds in indoor environments across North Macedonia and Kosovo using passive sampling. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 43(2), 207–218. (Original work published December 15, 2024)



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