Anodic and cathodic components of currents of quasireversible electrode reactions on rotating disk electrodes under steady state conditions


  • Milivoj Lovrić Divkovićeva 13, Zagreb 10090, Croatia
  • Valentin Mirčeski Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, N. Macedonia



Tafel analysis; steady state current; anodic and cathodic components; rotating disk electrode; kinetics of electrode reactions


In a rotating disk electrode setup at constant potential, the current of a simple redox reaction becomes time-independent under steady-state conditions. This steady-state current can be expressed as a sum of two components, according to Butler-Volmer kinetics. While these components cannot be measured experimentally, they can be calculated using simple formulae based on the formal potential of the electrode reaction, which can be determined from the potential of zero current on the steady-state current-potential curve. The components can then be used to measure the transfer coefficients of quasireversible electrode reactions.


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2024-12-23 — Updated on 2024-12-28


How to Cite

Lovrić, M. ., & Mirčeski, V. (2024). Anodic and cathodic components of currents of quasireversible electrode reactions on rotating disk electrodes under steady state conditions. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 43(2), 219–224. (Original work published December 23, 2024)




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